ArchLand02938.pngSetting site model properties

Site model properties

After the site model has been created, it can be edited in a variety of ways.

The site model object can be copied, cut, pasted, rotated, and deleted like other objects. In Top/Plan view, the 2D Display selected for the site model is shown; if both existing and proposed models are selected for display, they are superimposed. In any 3D view, the 3D Display selected (if any) is shown.

The site model can be textured from the Render tab of the Object Info palette. The texture is applied to the surface of the site model, and is scaled to fit the site model bounding box.

The site model surface can be sculpted, pushing and pulling the surface to create a custom site model as described in Sculpting the site model terrain.

The site model contours can be edited, changing the original source data (the existing site model) or the proposed site model as described in Editing site model contours.

Right-click on the site model and select Edit from the context menu, or select Modify > Edit Site Model. From the Edit Site Model dialog box, choose to edit the Configuración del modelado de terreno , edit the existing or proposed contours, edit components and component thicknesses, and choose the default editing behavior when double-clicking on a site model.

After generation, the site model is cached by default so that updating occurs more efficiently; however, large file sizes can result. See Document preferences: Display tab for information on changing the default setting.

The site model can be modified by the various site model modifiers; see Site model modification overview.

In addition to the Site Model Settings dialog box, you can change many parameters of a selected site model from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Geometry Lowest Z

Sets the lowest elevation (vertical Z offset) of the site model geometry; changing this value moves the entire site model, but does not affect site modifiers

Site Model Settings

Opens the Configuración del modelado de terreno dialog box. The settings here (and the related graphic properties settings) are identical to those specified at site model creation.

The option to keep or delete original source data is only available at site model creation.


Updates the site model and any associated snapshots, when the existing site data has changed or site modifiers have been added or changed. Also, if the site model is textured with a geoimage, re-downloads the geoimage, when it no longer displays after a save operation.

Create a Snapshot

Click for Creación de instantáneas del modelado de terreno with the current site model settings, for displaying different versions of the site model

2D Display

Select the display type for the 2D site model

2D Style

Select the display style for the 2D site model

3D Display

Select the display type (or no display) for the 3D site model

3D Style

Select the display style for the 3D site model

Area Display Type

Select the units for displaying the projected and surface areas for existing and proposed site models

Projected Area

Displays the projected area (the area projected in plan view) of the site model

Surface Area (Existing)

Displays the 3D surface area of the existing site model

Surface Area (Proposed)

Displays the 3D surface area of the proposed site model (when one exists)

Update Cut and Fill Calculations

Recalculates the site model cut and fill; after modifying and updating the proposed site model, click to view the resulting cut and fill volumes (see Creación de áreas de vaciadero). When the calculated volumes indicate that updating is necessary, click to display the latest results.

Volume Display Type

Select the units for displaying the cut and fill volumes (or allows cut and fill volumes to be hidden, if desired)

Volume (Existing)

Displays the total volume of the existing site model

Volume (Proposed)

Displays the total volume of the proposed site model

Cut Volume

When the proposed site model has been modified by a site modifier, displays the volume cut from the site model

Fill Volume

When the proposed site model has been modified, displays the volume of fill added to the site model

Net C&F Volume

Displays the net cut or fill volume, indicating whether fill is required or extra cut volume needs to be removed from the site

Total C&F Volume

Displays the sum of the cut and fill volumes

Modifier Conflict Count

When site modifier conflicts prevent the site model from updating correctly, displays the number of conflicts in red; see Corrección de conflictos con modificadores de terreno

Show Modifier Conflicts

Displays site modifier conflict icons on the drawing

Edit Crop

Click for Cómo recortar el modelado de terreno with a custom site border

Edit Existing Surface

Click for Sculpting the site model terrain of the existing site model

Edit Existing Contours

Click for Editing site model contours of the existing site model

Edit Proposed Surface

Click for Sculpting the site model terrain of the proposed site model

Edit Proposed Contours

Click for Editing site model contours of the proposed site model

Recreate from Source Data

Restores the site model based on its source data or boundary, as described in the next section

Edit Components

Opens the Site Model Components dialog box, to specify the components; see Creating site model components

Edit Geological Survey Points

In an editing mode, allows you to specify the thickness of components at various locations on the site model; see Adjusting component thickness with survey points

Vertex parameters

Edits the vertices of the site model boundary; see Editing vertex-based objects

Recreating the site model from the source data

The original source data, or boundary and grid-spaced loci, that were used to create the site model can be edited; this operation removes any edits to the site model contours or surface, and recreates the site model, but preserves any site modifier edits.

To recreate the site model:

Do one of the following:

Select the site model, and click Recreate from Source Data from the Object Info palette.

Right-click on the site model and select Edit from the context menu, or select Modify > Edit Site Model. From the Edit Site Model dialog box, select Recreate from source data.

Right-click on the site model and select Recreate from Source Data from the context menu.

In source data editing mode, changes can be made to the source data, and the source data can be validated (see Validating 3D source data).

Return to the site model by clicking Exit Recreate from Source Data at the top right of the drawing window. The site model updates automatically, reflecting any source data changes.

Updating a site model

Cómo recortar el modelado de terreno

Reshaping the site model border

Editing site model contours

Edición de rótulos de contorno

Sculpting the site model terrain

Creación de instantáneas del modelado de terreno

Sending objects to the site model surface

Confección del modelado de terreno


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